Spider Solitaire - Play Online for Free

Play Spider Solitaire online for free. No signup required. A feature-rich full-screen game with daily challenges, winnable deals, hints, and undo’s

Afraid of spiders? No need to be afraid of this oldie but goodie. It can be a brain twister, all right. But you can do it.

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Peter Brooks

Sarah Preston

Hannah Smith

Brittany Hudson

It’s a Patience game, much like Solitaire or FreeCell. It was first popularized by Microsoft and was released with their Windows 95 operating system, where most people today know it. It is considered one of the more challenging types of Patience games, and a good deal of strategy and luck is needed to win the game.

Two full decks are used in this game. So, there are a total of 104 cards. When a new game is started, 54 cards are divided into ten tableaus. Each of the first four tableaus has five cards, and each of the following tableaus has five cards. Each tableau’s top card is turned face up, while the others stay face down. The remaining 50 cards are placed in the stock’s upper left corner of the screen.

You bet we do! Our app is free to download and is available for Windows™, Mac™, Linux™, Android, or iOS. We also have an app for Amazon Kindle and an extension for Google Chrome.

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Klondike (Turn 3)Klondike (Turn 1) Spider (1 Suit)Spider (2 Suits) Spider (4 Suits)Freecell I’m Holger, a guy with a fondness for card games. Years ago, I set out to create a modern version of the classic solitaire games and the result is this site.

I want to keep improving Online Solitaire, and I will love your feedback. Don’t hesitate to send questions, comments or ideas to [email protected].



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